Reverted "Hide the rulers in Writer by default for a cleaner look"

Samuel Mehrbrodt s.mehrbrodt at
Tue Nov 20 12:08:33 PST 2012

Hi Kendy,

thanks for considering my patch and discussing it.

 > Terribly sorry for that - but the Design team consensus (as discussed on
 > the ESC meeting) was not to hide the rulers by default, so I have
 > reverted the change:

It's totally ok for me that it has been reverted, I know that it's a 
controversial change and it seems to be better to stick with the rulers 
enabled by default.

 > Thank you for all your patches you've sent so far! - I loved your
 > Wordcount dialog improvements, eg.

Thanks :) I got some inspiration from Google Docs ;)
Maybe I'll continue working on other Dialogs.


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