Save as formats explored

Bryan Quigley gquigs at
Sun Nov 10 13:17:55 PST 2013

Thanks for the feedback.  The patches for all three are attached.

I should reiterate that I'm just removing Write support ONLY for
"OpenOffice 1.0" formats.   You would still be able to open them and
save them as newer formats.  (This is very similar to what I did for
Word 95/6.0 which didn't seem to cause any issues).

I believe calling it OpenOffice 1.0 should have implied it's legacy.

2.  I went with Flat XML ODF Text Document.

3.  I went with Text - Choose Encoding.
One issue that I noticed is that if you make a Master Document, it
gives you the option to save as -> Text Encoded/Choose Encoding.
Should this be removed from there?

Thank you!
Bryan Quigley

Just to reiterate, because my previous copyright statement was too specific:
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed
under the MPL/LGPLv3+ dual license.
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