examples to manage docs using LibreOffice as a major component

nicholas ferguson nicholasferguson at wingarch.com
Thu Oct 2 05:10:34 PDT 2014

the short answer of all of the time you spent writing on this subject..would
be to tell me to build libreoffice in debug mode, verbose, then the full
instructions for building  cppunit tests will be the in the output file.
And that I would then find how a cppunit tests sets up an env variables.

-----Original Message-----
From: LibreOffice [mailto:libreoffice-bounces at lists.freedesktop.org] On
Behalf Of Michael Meeks
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 9:41 AM
To: nicholas ferguson
Cc: 'libreoffice-dev'; 'jonathon'
Subject: Re: examples to manage docs using LibreOffice as a major component

On Wed, 2014-10-01 at 09:00 -0400, nicholas ferguson wrote:
> [nicholas ferguson] What I do understand is that Libreoffice had an
> internal architecture change after 4.0 To prove this worked, there
> must have been a ton of samples coded up ?  Otherwise your clients
> would have complained and dropped it.

	It seems as if you're laboring under the illusion that this
of simply dynamically linking to LibreOffice and re-using it is one that
used to "just work" and then it broke in 4.0. That's not the case.
Before LibreOfficeKit - I'm not aware of anyone trying to make it easy
to link the LibreOffice functionality into a binary and use it
externally; so quite the converse - the situation is getting better

	Then again there are so many ways to re-use LibreOffice, it's not
entirely which should be used. eg. the COM <-> UNO bridge exposes a lot
of our APIs via UNO and hence COM.

	Failing that, you can use binary UNO to talk down a socket to a
LibreOffice directly using our own custom protocol; there are plenty of
examples of that around, the smoketest code does it - and you can do
that trivially via python.

> where are those samples?  They should be loaded up into github as
> samples used to test the new architecture.

	Perhaps you're confused. There was no major new architecture of
anything much at the 4.0 point that I recall (or was that the new calc
core I forget). We are constantly improving almost everything, almost
all the time, and in parallel. Our transition to the new gnumake build
system which took a load of releases to complete was more or less done
then (IIRC) - but ... where is the major architectural change that
impacts any of this re-use ?

> And if you tell me they are in cppunittests... only... and no one
> coded up a remote app that talked to libreoffice.. really?

	There are lots of remote apps that talk to libreoffice. But that's
what I heard you asking for - you're asking for an in-process app that
links to LibreOffice - and lets you use internal C++ APIs - right ?

	All the best,


 michael.meeks at collabora.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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