IAccessible2 bridgecomponent context fails

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at redhat.com
Mon Oct 27 08:03:05 PDT 2014

On 10/24/2014 10:11 PM, sleeping.pillow at gmail.com wrote:
> Since last week I’m having some troubles with my Windows build and I can
> no longer get the IAccessible2 parts to work. I get the following
> warning when opening LibreOffice with NVDA screen reader running:
> warn:vcl:8004:12820:vcl/source/app/svdata.cxx:265: got no IAccessible2
> bridgecomponent context fails to supply service
> 'com.sun.star.accessibility.MSAAService' of type
> 'com.sun.star.accessibility.XMSAAService'

program/services/services.rdb needs to contain the string 
"com.sun.star.accessibility.MSAAService".  If it doesn't for you, I 
assume the condition

> 	$(if $(DISABLE_ATL),, \
> 		$(if $(filter WNT,$(OS)), \
> 			embeddedobj/source/msole/emboleobj.windows \
> 			embedserv/util/emser \
> 			extensions/source/ole/oleautobridge \
> 			winaccessibility/source/service/winaccessibility \
> 		) \
> 	) \

in postprocess/Rdb_services.mk no longer holds for you---wasn't there 
some recent change to how configure.ac sets up DISABLE_ATL?

However, it services.rdb still contains that string, most likely there's 
some problem loading the corresponding program/winaccessibility.dll. 
The easiest way to find out whether/why that's the case on Windows is 
probably to run program/soffice.exe from Depends (I guess there's a wiki 
page about that).


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