Two svg import filters

Armin Le Grand armin_le_grand at
Fri Dec 18 01:29:36 PST 2015


Am 16.12.2015 um 09:49 schrieb Jan Holesovsky:
> Hi Thorsten,
> Thorsten Behrens píše v Út 15. 12. 2015 v 23:46 +0100:
>> Other than that, the two filters serve two very different purposes -
>> the document filter actually tries to map svg as well as possible to
>> ODF (it would work even better if LibreOffice's ODF filter would
>> support more of the syntax and semantics of SVG), to get *editable*
>> graphics.
>> As such, replacing the document importer with something that sticks
>> the image into a graphic object is missing the point IMO.
> Armin wrote that svgio can "'break' to process/use the contained
> geometries" - so my understanding was that it can be further editable;
> is it not the case?  If not - how hard would it be to extend
> drawinglayer to be able to "make something editable out of the contained
> svg"?

It is the case. Compare the following:

(a) Start LO, file/open, choose any SVG you want -> Draw opens, the SVG 
gets represented as draw objects
(b) Start LO, open Draw, insert same SVG as graphic (D&D or 
insert/graphic) -> SVG gets a single GraphicObject

With (b) you may now select, and choose 'break' in the context menu -> 
SVG gets decomposed to draw objects. Compare the two results with your SVG.

Despite the quality being quite different, even when this would be 
fixed, there will alwyas be slight differences. How do you explain a 
user that the quality of the SVG he wants to use depends on the way he 
uses it? Does anyone expect users to know the difference between opening 
and inserting an SVG? How much do users like answers as 'yes, but you 
added it in the 'wrong' way...'? There should be no wrong way. You 
should not need expertise know-how to be able to use SVG in the best 
possible quality.

Both do not allow round-trip, good-quality SVG editing, that is not the 
role of LO. At least, (b) keeps the orig SVG as reusable data (context 
menu, save graphic saves the *original* svg). Thus, you can edit it in 
an external editor and re-add (or is there nowadays even a 'edit in 
external editor', have seen that somewhere..?).

Even if someone wants to have the filter to 'edit' SVG the better 
solution would be to automate (b) what means add the last step of 
breaking up the object after load. I would not do that - let the user 
choose if he wants to 'edit' the SVG. As long as we have no dedicated 
SVG editing options, I doubbt many will use LO for that. What is indeed 
useful is to re-use graphic data from SVGs for draw objects, that is 
what 'break' offers.

Maybe the problem is more that only view people seem to know about 
'break' - what about adding that more prominent/additionally under 

Still, I would opt for using one SVG filter/importer only.

> All the best,
> Kendy
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