Color Pallete Issue

Winfried Donkers W.Donkers at
Tue May 12 02:27:51 PDT 2015

Hi Vijay,

> Issue: Cannot apply color gradient to text in LO Impress. Also gradient applied to text in ppt is not view-able in LO.
> [When we are select the text in impress and applied color gradient to that text, then the color will be applied to whole page not to that particular selected area .]
> Could you please help me out in figuring where exactly this functionality is taking place so that I can fix this issue.

Do you mean to the text itself, or to the text background? And have filed a bug report (with sample documents) that explains the problem with step-by-step description of how to reproduce the problem?
That may help to be able to advise where in the code you should look.

> Also any ideas on debugging LibreOffice with switch-over option so that could figure out where exactly this function is getting called.

Possibly I don't get your point, but with gdb you can always switch from Impress to gdb command mode with Ctrl-C in the gdb pane.

I hope this helps, and there's always chance an Impress/Draw expert notices your request and offers you better suggestions ;)


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