localization of ui

Eike Rathke erack at redhat.com
Thu Oct 27 17:52:14 UTC 2016

Hi baigali,

On Thursday, 2016-10-27 16:02:58 +0800, baigali wrote:

> thank you,I mailed to the l10n mailing list.
> I think,it is maybe not the l10n problem, there is no traditional Mongolian .po resource, so can't get form git. I made a traditional Mongolian resource <mn-CN> based on Chinese simplified zh-CN ,and modified some i18n source code , but problem occurred like I said in first email. Attachment is my work.

Using mn-CN is not quite right (the zh-CN also has a legacy history),
for UI translation that should be mn-Mong instead as that only involves
a language written in a specific script, not a country.

Changing mn-Mong-CN to mn-CN in your patch is wrong. Note that
i18nlangtag/source/isolang/MS-LCID.lst is never to be changed, it is
a generated list how Microsoft maps their LCID locale IDs to language

Adding mn-CN to i18nlangtag/source/isolang/isolang.cxx probably is
unnecessary, unless the tag is used in the wild in which case it could
be an alias for mn-Mong-CN and likely should use the kSAME override

Adding mn_CN to i18npool/source/localedata/localedata.cxx and
i18npool/Library_localedata_others.mk makes no sense, as there is no
mn_CN locale data, and if then it should be named mn_Mong_CN.

mn-TR in l10ntools/source/ulfconv/msi-encodinglist.txt is odd and
certainly was wrong all the time, but that should be replaced with
mn-Mong as well instead of mn-CN.

Adding several LangIDs to vcl/win/gdi/salfont.cxx for the same Unicode
range does not work, that table is binary searched and adding duplicates
would yield arbitrary results.

Sorry for tearing all that apart ;-)  but we need to get these things
right and avoid mistakes and bad decisions that have been made in the


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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