For what versions get source archives created?

Thorsten Behrens thb at
Fri Aug 4 22:34:04 UTC 2017

Christian Lohmaier wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 12:59 PM, Paul Menzel <pmenzel at> wrote:
> > So does it take over a week to get the archives published, or does
> > the directory need to be manually created on the server, and was
> > just forgotten?
> Sources are made available on the mirrors the same moment when the
> binaries are.
One of the reasons: it's extremely rare, but it happens at times that
full release builds on one platform show errors, or subsequent
smoketesting shows errors. In that case, a hotfix tag is pushed.

So a release is only really done, once both tag and binaries are


-- Thorsten
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