New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for LibreOffice
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scan-admin at
Mon Mar 19 05:50:28 UTC 2018
Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
50 new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
5 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.
New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 20 of 50 defect(s)
** CID 1430104: API usage errors (SWAPPED_ARGUMENTS)
*** CID 1430104: API usage errors (SWAPPED_ARGUMENTS)
/editeng/source/editeng/impedit.cxx: 621 in ImpEditView::GetWindowPos(const tools::Rectangle &) const()
615 {
616 aRect = tools::Rectangle( aPos, aSz );
617 }
618 else
619 {
620 Point aNewPos( aPos.X()-aSz.Height(), aPos.Y() );
>>> CID 1430104: API usage errors (SWAPPED_ARGUMENTS)
>>> The positions of arguments in the constructor for "Size" do not match the ordering of the parameters:
* "aSz.Height()" is passed to "nWidth"
* "aSz.Width()" is passed to "nHeight"
621 aRect = tools::Rectangle( aNewPos, Size( aSz.Height(), aSz.Width() ) );
622 }
623 return aRect;
624 }
626 void ImpEditView::SetSelectionMode( EESelectionMode eNewMode )
** CID 1430103: Integer handling issues (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
/sc/source/ui/StatisticsDialogs/SamplingDialog.cxx: 204 in ScSamplingDialog::PerformPeriodicSampling(ScDocShell *)()
*** CID 1430103: Integer handling issues (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
/sc/source/ui/StatisticsDialogs/SamplingDialog.cxx: 204 in ScSamplingDialog::PerformPeriodicSampling(ScDocShell *)()
198 for (SCCOL inCol = aStart.Col(); inCol <= aEnd.Col(); inCol++)
199 {
200 sal_Int64 i = 0;
201 outRow = mOutputAddress.Row();
202 for (SCROW inRow = aStart.Row(); inRow <= aEnd.Row(); inRow++)
203 {
>>> CID 1430103: Integer handling issues (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
>>> In expression "i % aPeriod", modulo by expression "aPeriod" which may be zero has undefined behavior.
204 if (i % aPeriod == aPeriod - 1 ) // Sample the last of period
205 {
206 double aValue = mDocument->GetValue(ScAddress(inCol, inRow, inTab));
207 pDocShell->GetDocFunc().SetValueCell(ScAddress(outCol, outRow, outTab), aValue, true);
208 outRow++;
209 }
** CID 1430102: (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
/sw/source/ui/misc/pggrid.cxx: 389 in SwTextGridPage::CharorLineChangedHdl(SpinField &)()
/sw/source/ui/misc/pggrid.cxx: 410 in SwTextGridPage::CharorLineChangedHdl(SpinField &)()
/sw/source/ui/misc/pggrid.cxx: 420 in SwTextGridPage::CharorLineChangedHdl(SpinField &)()
*** CID 1430102: (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
/sw/source/ui/misc/pggrid.cxx: 389 in SwTextGridPage::CharorLineChangedHdl(SpinField &)()
383 {
384 //if in squared mode
385 if ( m_bSquaredMode )
386 {
387 if(m_pCharsPerLineNF == &rField)
388 {
>>> CID 1430102: (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
>>> In expression "this->m_aPageSize.Width() / this->m_pCharsPerLineNF->GetValue()", division by expression "this->m_pCharsPerLineNF->GetValue()" which may be zero has undefined behavior.
389 long nWidth = static_cast<long>(m_aPageSize.Width() / m_pCharsPerLineNF->GetValue());
390 m_pTextSizeMF->SetValue(m_pTextSizeMF->Normalize(nWidth), FUNIT_TWIP);
391 //prevent rounding errors in the MetricField by saving the used value
392 m_nRubyUserValue = nWidth;
393 m_bRubyUserValue = true;
/sw/source/ui/misc/pggrid.cxx: 410 in SwTextGridPage::CharorLineChangedHdl(SpinField &)()
404 SetLinesOrCharsRanges( *m_pCharsRangeFT , m_pCharsPerLineNF->GetMax() );
405 }
406 else//in normal mode
407 {
408 if(m_pLinesPerPageNF == &rField)
409 {
>>> CID 1430102: (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
>>> In expression "this->m_aPageSize.Height() / this->m_pLinesPerPageNF->GetValue()", division by expression "this->m_pLinesPerPageNF->GetValue()" which may be zero has undefined behavior.
410 long nHeight = static_cast< sal_Int32 >(m_aPageSize.Height() / m_pLinesPerPageNF->GetValue());
411 m_pTextSizeMF->SetValue(m_pTextSizeMF->Normalize(nHeight), FUNIT_TWIP);
412 m_pRubySizeMF->SetValue(0, FUNIT_TWIP);
413 SetLinesOrCharsRanges( *m_pLinesRangeFT , m_pLinesPerPageNF->GetMax() );
415 m_nRubyUserValue = nHeight;
/sw/source/ui/misc/pggrid.cxx: 420 in SwTextGridPage::CharorLineChangedHdl(SpinField &)()
415 m_nRubyUserValue = nHeight;
416 m_bRubyUserValue = true;
417 }
418 else if (m_pCharsPerLineNF == &rField)
419 {
>>> CID 1430102: (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
>>> In expression "this->m_aPageSize.Width() / this->m_pCharsPerLineNF->GetValue()", division by expression "this->m_pCharsPerLineNF->GetValue()" which may be zero has undefined behavior.
420 long nWidth = static_cast< sal_Int32 >(m_aPageSize.Width() / m_pCharsPerLineNF->GetValue());
421 m_pCharWidthMF->SetValue(m_pCharWidthMF->Normalize(nWidth), FUNIT_TWIP);
422 SetLinesOrCharsRanges( *m_pCharsRangeFT , m_pCharsPerLineNF->GetMax() );
423 }
424 }
425 GridModifyHdl();
** CID 1430101: Incorrect expression (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
/sc/source/ui/view/drawvie4.cxx: 562 in ScDrawView::FitToCellSize()()
*** CID 1430101: Incorrect expression (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
/sc/source/ui/view/drawvie4.cxx: 562 in ScDrawView::FitToCellSize()()
556 tools::Rectangle aCellRect = ScDrawLayer::GetCellRect( *pDoc, pObjData->maStart, true);
558 // For graphic objects, we want to keep the aspect ratio
559 if (pObj->shouldKeepAspectRatio())
560 {
561 double fScaleX = static_cast<double>(aCellRect.GetWidth()) / static_cast<double>(aGraphicRect.GetWidth());
>>> CID 1430101: Incorrect expression (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
>>> In expression "static_cast<double>(aCellRect.GetHeight()) / static_cast<double>(aGraphicRect.GetHeight())", division by expression "aGraphicRect.GetHeight()" which may be zero has undefined behavior.
562 double fScaleY = static_cast<double>(aCellRect.GetHeight()) / static_cast<double>(aGraphicRect.GetHeight());
563 double fScaleMin = std::min(fScaleX, fScaleY);
565 aCellRect.setWidth(static_cast<double>(aGraphicRect.GetWidth()) * fScaleMin);
566 aCellRect.setHeight(static_cast<double>(aGraphicRect.GetHeight()) * fScaleMin);
567 }
** CID 1430100: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR)
/sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx: 39 in SwClient::SwClient(SwClient&&)()
*** CID 1430100: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR)
/sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx: 39 in SwClient::SwClient(SwClient&&)()
33 {
34 if(o.m_pRegisteredIn)
35 {
36 o.m_pRegisteredIn->Add(this);
37 o.EndListeningAll();
38 }
>>> CID 1430100: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_pRegisteredIn" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
39 }
42 SwClient::~SwClient()
43 {
44 if(GetRegisteredIn())
** CID 1430099: Integer handling issues (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
/sd/source/ui/dlg/vectdlg.cxx: 176 in SdVectorizeDlg::Calculate(const Bitmap &, GDIMetaFile &)()
*** CID 1430099: Integer handling issues (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
/sd/source/ui/dlg/vectdlg.cxx: 176 in SdVectorizeDlg::Calculate(const Bitmap &, GDIMetaFile &)()
170 {
171 const long nWidth = pRAcc->Width();
172 const long nHeight = pRAcc->Height();
173 const long nTileX = static_cast<long>(m_pMtFillHoles->GetValue());
174 const long nTileY = static_cast<long>(m_pMtFillHoles->GetValue());
175 const long nCountX = nWidth / nTileX;
>>> CID 1430099: Integer handling issues (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
>>> In expression "nHeight / nTileY", division by expression "nTileY" which may be zero has undefined behavior.
176 const long nCountY = nHeight / nTileY;
177 const long nRestX = nWidth % nTileX;
178 const long nRestY = nHeight % nTileY;
180 MapMode aMap( rMtf.GetPrefMapMode() );
181 aNewMtf.SetPrefSize( rMtf.GetPrefSize() );
** CID 1430098: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR)
/vcl/source/window/dialog.cxx: 573 in Dialog::Dialog(vcl::Window *, const rtl::OUString &, const rtl::OUString &, WindowType, Dialog::InitFlag, bool)()
*** CID 1430098: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR)
/vcl/source/window/dialog.cxx: 573 in Dialog::Dialog(vcl::Window *, const rtl::OUString &, const rtl::OUString &, WindowType, Dialog::InitFlag, bool)()
567 , mbForceBorderWindow(bBorder)
568 , mnInitFlag(eFlag)
569 {
570 ImplLOKNotifier(pParent);
571 ImplInitDialogData();
572 loadUI(pParent, OUStringToOString(rID, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8), rUIXMLDescription);
>>> CID 1430098: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "mbInSyncExecute" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
573 }
575 Dialog::Dialog(vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle, InitFlag eFlag)
576 : SystemWindow(WindowType::DIALOG)
577 , mbForceBorderWindow(false)
578 , mnInitFlag(eFlag)
** CID 1430097: Null pointer dereferences (NULL_RETURNS)
*** CID 1430097: Null pointer dereferences (NULL_RETURNS)
/sc/source/ui/view/drawvie4.cxx: 556 in ScDrawView::FitToCellSize()()
550 return;
551 }
553 SdrUndoGroup* pUndoGroup = new SdrUndoGroup(*GetModel());
554 ScDrawObjData* pObjData = ScDrawLayer::GetObjData(pObj);
555 tools::Rectangle aGraphicRect = pObj->GetSnapRect();
>>> CID 1430097: Null pointer dereferences (NULL_RETURNS)
>>> Dereferencing a pointer that might be null "pObjData->maStart" when calling "GetCellRect".
556 tools::Rectangle aCellRect = ScDrawLayer::GetCellRect( *pDoc, pObjData->maStart, true);
558 // For graphic objects, we want to keep the aspect ratio
559 if (pObj->shouldKeepAspectRatio())
560 {
561 double fScaleX = static_cast<double>(aCellRect.GetWidth()) / static_cast<double>(aGraphicRect.GetWidth());
** CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<writerfilter::dmapper::PropertyIds>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<writerfilter::dmapper::FieldId>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<_XDisplay *>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<char16_t>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<unsigned short>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<long>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<FontItalic>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<FontRelief>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<FontWeight>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<FontLineStyle>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<FontStrikeout>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<FontEmphasisMark>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<const SvxFontItem *>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<com::sun::star::style::ParagraphAdjust>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<_GdkAtom *>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<short>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<dbaccess::ODatabaseModelImpl::EmbeddedMacros>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<unsigned char>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<signed char>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<bool>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<unsigned int>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<char>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<int>::tc_optional_base()()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<double>::tc_optional_base()()
*** CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<writerfilter::dmapper::PropertyIds>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<writerfilter::dmapper::FieldId>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<_XDisplay *>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<char16_t>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<unsigned short>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<long>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<FontItalic>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<FontRelief>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<FontWeight>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<FontLineStyle>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<FontStrikeout>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<FontEmphasisMark>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<const SvxFontItem *>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<com::sun::star::style::ParagraphAdjust>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<_GdkAtom *>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<short>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<dbaccess::ODatabaseModelImpl::EmbeddedMacros>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<unsigned char>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<signed char>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<bool>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<unsigned int>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<char>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<int>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 27 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<double>::tc_optional_base()()
21 typedef T * pointer_type ;
22 typedef T const* pointer_const_type ;
23 typedef T const& argument_type ;
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
>>> CID 1430096: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
31 m_initialized(false) {}
** CID 1430095: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/sfx2/source/dialog/alienwarn.cxx: 71 in SfxAlienWarningDialog::~SfxAlienWarningDialog()()
*** CID 1430095: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/sfx2/source/dialog/alienwarn.cxx: 71 in SfxAlienWarningDialog::~SfxAlienWarningDialog()()
65 m_xUseDefaultFormatBtn->set_label(sInfoText);
67 // load value of "warning on" checkbox from save options
68 m_xWarningOnBox->set_active(SvtSaveOptions().IsWarnAlienFormat());
69 }
>>> CID 1430095: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
>>> An exception of type "com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException" is thrown but the throw list "throw()" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
71 SfxAlienWarningDialog::~SfxAlienWarningDialog()
72 {
73 m_xContentArea->remove(m_xWarningOnBox.get());
74 m_xOrigParent->add(m_xWarningOnBox.get());
75 // save value of "warning off" checkbox, if necessary
76 SvtSaveOptions aSaveOpt;
** CID 1430094: API usage errors (SWAPPED_ARGUMENTS)
*** CID 1430094: API usage errors (SWAPPED_ARGUMENTS)
/svx/source/svdraw/svdpage.cxx: 1336 in SdrPage::SetOrientation(Orientation)()
1330 void SdrPage::SetOrientation(Orientation eOri)
1331 {
1332 // square: handle like portrait format
1333 Size aSiz(GetSize());
1334 if (aSiz.Width()!=aSiz.Height()) {
1335 if ((eOri==Orientation::Portrait) == (aSiz.Width()>aSiz.Height())) {
>>> CID 1430094: API usage errors (SWAPPED_ARGUMENTS)
>>> The positions of arguments in the constructor for "Size" do not match the ordering of the parameters:
* "aSiz.Height()" is passed to "nWidth"
* "aSiz.Width()" is passed to "nHeight"
1336 SetSize(Size(aSiz.Height(),aSiz.Width()));
1337 }
1338 }
1339 }
1341 Orientation SdrPage::GetOrientation() const
** CID 1430093: Control flow issues (DEADCODE)
/editeng/source/uno/unotext2.cxx: 67 in SvxUnoTextContentEnumeration::SvxUnoTextContentEnumeration(const SvxUnoTextBase &, const ESelection &)()
*** CID 1430093: Control flow issues (DEADCODE)
/editeng/source/uno/unotext2.cxx: 67 in SvxUnoTextContentEnumeration::SvxUnoTextContentEnumeration(const SvxUnoTextBase &, const ESelection &)()
61 nEndPos = std::min(nEndPos, maSelection.nEndPos);
62 ESelection aCurrentParaSel = ESelection( currentPara, nStartPos, currentPara, nEndPos );
63 for (auto const& elemRange : rRanges)
64 {
65 if (!pContent)
66 break;
>>> CID 1430093: Control flow issues (DEADCODE)
>>> Execution cannot reach this statement: "pIterContent = dynamic_cast...".
67 SvxUnoTextContent* pIterContent = dynamic_cast< SvxUnoTextContent* >( elemRange );
68 if( pIterContent && (pIterContent->mnParagraph == currentPara) )
69 {
70 ESelection aIterSel = pIterContent->GetSelection();
71 if( aIterSel == aCurrentParaSel )
72 {
** CID 1430092: Incorrect expression (NO_EFFECT)
/usr/include/boost/array.hpp: 118 in boost::array<long, (unsigned long)2>::operator [](unsigned long)()
*** CID 1430092: Incorrect expression (NO_EFFECT)
/usr/include/boost/array.hpp: 118 in boost::array<long, (unsigned long)2>::operator [](unsigned long)()
112 return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
113 }
115 // operator[]
116 reference operator[](size_type i)
117 {
>>> CID 1430092: Incorrect expression (NO_EFFECT)
>>> Comparing an array to null is not useful: ""out of range"", since the test will always evaluate as true.
118 return BOOST_ASSERT_MSG( i < N, "out of range" ), elems[i];
119 }
121 /*BOOST_CONSTEXPR*/ const_reference operator[](size_type i) const
122 {
123 return BOOST_ASSERT_MSG( i < N, "out of range" ), elems[i];
** CID 1430091: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
/svx/qa/unit/XTableImportExportTest.cxx: 71 in XTableImportExportTest::testImportExport()()
*** CID 1430091: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
/svx/qa/unit/XTableImportExportTest.cxx: 71 in XTableImportExportTest::testImportExport()()
66 aChecksum = aBitmap.GetChecksum();
67 }
69 {
70 XBitmapList xBitmapList(aTempURL, "REF");
>>> CID 1430091: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>> Calling "Load" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 7 out of 8 times).
71 xBitmapList.Load();
72 uno::Reference<container::XNameContainer> xNameContainer(xBitmapList.createInstance());
75 uno::Any aAny = xNameContainer->getByName("SomeBitmap");
76 CPPUNIT_ASSERT(aAny.has<uno::Reference<awt::XBitmap>>());
** CID 1430090: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR)
/sfx2/source/appl/openuriexternally.cxx: 38 in URITools::URITools()()
*** CID 1430090: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR)
/sfx2/source/appl/openuriexternally.cxx: 38 in URITools::URITools()()
33 class URITools
34 {
35 private:
36 Timer aOpenURITimer;
37 OUString msURI;
>>> CID 1430090: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> The compiler-generated constructor for this class does not initialize "mbHandleSystemShellExecuteException".
38 bool mbHandleSystemShellExecuteException;
39 DECL_LINK(onOpenURI, Timer*, void);
41 public:
42 void openURI(const OUString& sURI, bool bHandleSystemShellExecuteException);
43 };
** CID 1430089: Incorrect expression (COPY_PASTE_ERROR)
/vcl/source/outdev/text.cxx: 334 in OutputDevice::ImplDrawSpecialText(SalLayout &)()
*** CID 1430089: Incorrect expression (COPY_PASTE_ERROR)
/vcl/source/outdev/text.cxx: 334 in OutputDevice::ImplDrawSpecialText(SalLayout &)()
328 aTextLineColor = COL_WHITE;
329 if ( aOverlineColor == COL_BLACK )
330 aOverlineColor = COL_WHITE;
332 // relief-color is black for white text, in all other cases
333 // we set this to LightGray
>>> CID 1430089: Incorrect expression (COPY_PASTE_ERROR)
>>> "aTextColor" looks like a copy-paste error.
334 if ( aTextColor == COL_WHITE )
335 aReliefColor = COL_BLACK;
336 SetTextLineColor( aReliefColor );
337 SetOverlineColor( aReliefColor );
338 SetTextColor( aReliefColor );
339 ImplInitTextColor();
** CID 1430088: (UNINIT_CTOR)
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 31 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<unsigned short>::tc_optional_base(boost::none_t)()
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 31 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<short>::tc_optional_base(boost::none_t)()
*** CID 1430088: (UNINIT_CTOR)
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 31 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<unsigned short>::tc_optional_base(boost::none_t)()
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
>>> CID 1430088: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
31 m_initialized(false) {}
33 tc_optional_base ( argument_type val )
34 :
35 m_initialized(true), m_storage(val) {}
/usr/include/boost/optional/detail/optional_trivially_copyable_base.hpp: 31 in boost::optional_detail::tc_optional_base<short>::tc_optional_base(boost::none_t)()
25 tc_optional_base()
26 :
27 m_initialized(false) {}
29 tc_optional_base ( none_t )
30 :
>>> CID 1430088: (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>> Non-static class member "m_storage" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
31 m_initialized(false) {}
33 tc_optional_base ( argument_type val )
34 :
35 m_initialized(true), m_storage(val) {}
** CID 1430087: (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
/cui/source/tabpages/grfpage.cxx: 497 in SvxGrfCropPage::CropHdl(SpinField &)()
/cui/source/tabpages/grfpage.cxx: 503 in SvxGrfCropPage::CropHdl(SpinField &)()
*** CID 1430087: (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
/cui/source/tabpages/grfpage.cxx: 497 in SvxGrfCropPage::CropHdl(SpinField &)()
491 long nWidthZoom = static_cast<long>(m_pWidthZoomMF->GetValue());
492 if(bZoom && ( ( ( aOrigSize.Width() - (nLeft + nRight )) * nWidthZoom )
493 / 100 >= aPageSize.Width() ) )
494 {
495 if(&rField == m_pLeftMF)
496 {
>>> CID 1430087: (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
>>> In expression "this->aPageSize.Width() * 100L / nWidthZoom", division by expression "nWidthZoom" which may be zero has undefined behavior.
497 nLeft = aOrigSize.Width() -
498 ( aPageSize.Width() * 100 / nWidthZoom + nRight );
499 m_pLeftMF->SetValue( m_pLeftMF->Normalize( nLeft ), eUnit );
500 }
501 else
502 {
/cui/source/tabpages/grfpage.cxx: 503 in SvxGrfCropPage::CropHdl(SpinField &)()
497 nLeft = aOrigSize.Width() -
498 ( aPageSize.Width() * 100 / nWidthZoom + nRight );
499 m_pLeftMF->SetValue( m_pLeftMF->Normalize( nLeft ), eUnit );
500 }
501 else
502 {
>>> CID 1430087: (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
>>> In expression "this->aPageSize.Width() * 100L / nWidthZoom", division by expression "nWidthZoom" which may be zero has undefined behavior.
503 nRight = aOrigSize.Width() -
504 ( aPageSize.Width() * 100 / nWidthZoom + nLeft );
505 m_pRightMF->SetValue( m_pRightMF->Normalize( nRight ), eUnit );
506 }
507 }
508 if (AllSettings::GetLayoutRTL())
** CID 1430086: Incorrect expression (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
/sc/source/core/data/drwlayer.cxx: 682 in ScDrawLayer::ResizeLastRectFromAnchor(const SdrObject *, ScDrawObjData &, bool, bool, bool, bool)()
*** CID 1430086: Incorrect expression (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
/sc/source/core/data/drwlayer.cxx: 682 in ScDrawLayer::ResizeLastRectFromAnchor(const SdrObject *, ScDrawObjData &, bool, bool, bool, bool)()
677 if (pObj->shouldKeepAspectRatio())
678 {
679 tools::Rectangle aRectIncludingOffset = aRect;
680 aRectIncludingOffset.setWidth(aRect.GetWidth() + rData.maStartOffset.X());
681 aRectIncludingOffset.setHeight(aRect.GetHeight() + rData.maStartOffset.Y());
>>> CID 1430086: Incorrect expression (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
>>> In expression "static_cast<double>(aCurrentCellRect.GetWidth()) / static_cast<double>(aRectIncludingOffset.GetWidth())", division by expression "aRectIncludingOffset.GetWidth()" which may be zero has undefined behavior.
682 double fMaxWidthFactor = static_cast<double>(aCurrentCellRect.GetWidth())
683 / static_cast<double>(aRectIncludingOffset.GetWidth());
684 double fMaxHeightFactor = static_cast<double>(aCurrentCellRect.GetHeight())
685 / static_cast<double>(aRectIncludingOffset.GetHeight());
686 double fMaxFactor = std::min(fMaxHeightFactor, fMaxWidthFactor);
** CID 1430085: Integer handling issues (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
*** CID 1430085: Integer handling issues (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
/sw/source/ui/dbui/mmoutputtypepage.cxx: 295 in SwSendMailDialog::SwSendMailDialog(vcl::Window *, SwMailMergeConfigItem &)()
289 m_pStatus->SetStyle( m_pStatus->GetStyle() | WB_SORT | WB_HSCROLL | WB_CLIPCHILDREN | WB_TABSTOP );
290 m_pStatus->SetSelectionMode( SelectionMode::Single );
291 m_pStatus->SetTabs(&nTabs[0], MapUnit::MapPixel);
292 m_pStatus->SetSpaceBetweenEntries(3);
294 m_pPaused->Show(false);
>>> CID 1430085: Integer handling issues (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
>>> In function call "UpdateTransferStatus", division by expression "this->m_nExpectedCount" which may be zero has undefined behavior.
295 UpdateTransferStatus();
296 }
298 SwSendMailDialog::~SwSendMailDialog()
299 {
300 disposeOnce();
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