Principle of least surprise

Kaganski Mike mikekaganski at
Sat Feb 9 07:30:59 UTC 2019


Well - I tend to agree that having the hyperlinks malfunctional is not 
nice. *Possibly* the idea behind showing "hand" cursor over such URLs 
even without holding CTRL required for their activation could be to 
allow user an easy way to identify the links... but even then, showing 
cursor does not necessarily imply that clicking should give both no 
following the hyperlink, and no cell selection.

On 09.02.2019 6:23, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:
> Moreover, I spent sometimes in the options dialog box (that just the 
> looks the
> same ms office did in 1996), searching for a way to disable the "convert 
> e-mail
> to hyperlink" behavior applcation wise, and could not find any. (Which 
> does not
> mean it is not there, just that it is another broken point in the UI).

Heh, it looks like placing all controls for what changes input in one 
"AutoCorrect" dialog is indeed just another broken UI. We need better 
put it in many different places all over the application instead.

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski

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