adding an item to rmb context menu in writer

Mike Kaganski mikekaganski at
Mon Sep 12 19:15:17 UTC 2022

On 12.09.2022 21:58, dep wrote:
> greetings.
> for the longest time, i was able to work efficiently by selecting link
> text, clicking the right mouse button, and selecting "insert link,"
> whereupon the little link insertion box popped up, i could add the url,
> etc., and hit apply, and all would be well.

This is incorrect. There was *never* such an item in context menu in any 
module (Writer/Calc/Draw/Impress); to be sure, I just checked with major 
releases from 2011 till current ones. I also checked OOo 3.2 and AOO 4.1 
to be sure. I suppose you are mistaken, thinking about some other 
software that had that.

OTOH, for some time already we have Ctrl+K shortcut assigned to the 
Insert->Hyperlink by default.

> a few versions ago this disappeared. i tore my hair -- i hardly have any
> left now.

I suppose that the above clarifies that loosing hair because of that was 
a mistake.

> i've searched and searched for a way to add it back to the rmb menu in
> writer. i've found none. this surprises me because it was extremely useful
> and i can't imagine i'm the only one who misses it.

Tools->Customize has a "Context Menus" tab, where you may add the 
respective command to a context menu.

> so, my plea: is there a way to add the idem back to the rmb menu? and if
> not, is there a place i can beg for it to be restored?

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> thanks in advance.
> --
> dep
> Pictures:
> Column:

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski

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