[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 44/46] glsl: fix locations of 2-dimensional varyings without varying packing

Marek Olšák maraeo at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 16:01:40 PDT 2015

From: Marek Olšák <marek.olsak at amd.com>

 src/glsl/link_varyings.cpp | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/glsl/link_varyings.cpp b/src/glsl/link_varyings.cpp
index 5fa9ddf..6bd8dba 100644
--- a/src/glsl/link_varyings.cpp
+++ b/src/glsl/link_varyings.cpp
@@ -750,7 +750,9 @@ namespace {
 class varying_matches
-   varying_matches(bool disable_varying_packing, bool consumer_is_fs);
+   varying_matches(bool disable_varying_packing,
+                   gl_shader_stage producer_type,
+                   gl_shader_stage consumer_type);
    void record(ir_variable *producer_var, ir_variable *consumer_var);
    unsigned assign_locations();
@@ -831,15 +833,18 @@ private:
    unsigned matches_capacity;
-   const bool consumer_is_fs;
+   gl_shader_stage producer_type;
+   gl_shader_stage consumer_type;
 } /* anonymous namespace */
 varying_matches::varying_matches(bool disable_varying_packing,
-                                 bool consumer_is_fs)
+                                 gl_shader_stage producer_type,
+                                 gl_shader_stage consumer_type)
    : disable_varying_packing(disable_varying_packing),
-     consumer_is_fs(consumer_is_fs)
+     producer_type(producer_type),
+     consumer_type(consumer_type)
    /* Note: this initial capacity is rather arbitrarily chosen to be large
     * enough for many cases without wasting an unreasonable amount of space.
@@ -890,7 +895,7 @@ varying_matches::record(ir_variable *producer_var, ir_variable *consumer_var)
    if ((consumer_var == NULL && producer_var->type->contains_integer()) ||
-       !consumer_is_fs) {
+       consumer_type != MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT) {
       /* Since this varying is not being consumed by the fragment shader, its
        * interpolation type varying cannot possibly affect rendering.  Also,
        * this variable is non-flat and is (or contains) an integer.
@@ -927,9 +932,22 @@ varying_matches::record(ir_variable *producer_var, ir_variable *consumer_var)
       = this->compute_packing_order(var);
    if (this->disable_varying_packing) {
-      unsigned slots = var->type->is_array()
-         ? (var->type->length * var->type->fields.array->matrix_columns)
-         : var->type->matrix_columns;
+      const struct glsl_type *type = var->type;
+      unsigned slots;
+      /* Some shader stages have 2-dimensional varyings. Use the inner type. */
+      if (!var->data.patch &&
+          ((var == producer_var && producer_type == MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL) ||
+           (var == consumer_var && (consumer_type == MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL ||
+                                    consumer_type == MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL ||
+                                    consumer_type == MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY)))) {
+         assert(type->is_array());
+         type = type->fields.array;
+      }
+      slots = (type->is_array()
+            ? (type->length * type->fields.array->matrix_columns)
+            : type->matrix_columns);
       this->matches[this->num_matches].num_components = 4 * slots;
    } else {
@@ -1378,7 +1396,8 @@ assign_varying_locations(struct gl_context *ctx,
       (producer && producer->Stage == MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL);
    varying_matches matches(disable_varying_packing,
-                           consumer && consumer->Stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT);
+                           producer ? producer->Stage : (gl_shader_stage)-1,
+                           consumer ? consumer->Stage : (gl_shader_stage)-1);
    hash_table *tfeedback_candidates
       = hash_table_ctor(0, hash_table_string_hash, hash_table_string_compare);
    hash_table *consumer_inputs

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