[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 13/64] isl/state: Put all dimension setup together and towards the top

Jason Ekstrand jason at jlekstrand.net
Sat Jun 11 16:02:28 UTC 2016

 src/intel/isl/isl_surface_state.c | 154 ++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 74 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/intel/isl/isl_surface_state.c b/src/intel/isl/isl_surface_state.c
index 0f21e34..0ada3e4 100644
--- a/src/intel/isl/isl_surface_state.c
+++ b/src/intel/isl/isl_surface_state.c
@@ -213,7 +213,81 @@ isl_genX(surf_fill_state_s)(const struct isl_device *dev, void *state,
       s.SurfaceFormat = info->view->format;
+   s.Width = info->surf->logical_level0_px.width - 1;
+   s.Height = info->surf->logical_level0_px.height - 1;
+   switch (s.SurfaceType) {
+   case SURFTYPE_1D:
+   case SURFTYPE_2D:
+      s.MinimumArrayElement = info->view->base_array_layer;
+      /* From the Broadwell PRM >> RENDER_SURFACE_STATE::Depth:
+       *
+       *    For SURFTYPE_1D, 2D, and CUBE: The range of this field is reduced
+       *    by one for each increase from zero of Minimum Array Element. For
+       *    example, if Minimum Array Element is set to 1024 on a 2D surface,
+       *    the range of this field is reduced to [0,1023].
+       *
+       * In other words, 'Depth' is the number of array layers.
+       */
+      s.Depth = info->view->array_len - 1;
+      /* From the Broadwell PRM >> RENDER_SURFACE_STATE::RenderTargetViewExtent:
+       *
+       *    For Render Target and Typed Dataport 1D and 2D Surfaces:
+       *    This field must be set to the same value as the Depth field.
+       */
+      s.RenderTargetViewExtent = s.Depth;
+      break;
+      s.MinimumArrayElement = info->view->base_array_layer;
+      /* Same as SURFTYPE_2D, but divided by 6 */
+      s.Depth = info->view->array_len / 6 - 1;
+      s.RenderTargetViewExtent = s.Depth;
+      break;
+   case SURFTYPE_3D:
+      s.MinimumArrayElement = info->view->base_array_layer;
+      /* From the Broadwell PRM >> RENDER_SURFACE_STATE::Depth:
+       *
+       *    If the volume texture is MIP-mapped, this field specifies the
+       *    depth of the base MIP level.
+       */
+      s.Depth = info->surf->logical_level0_px.depth - 1;
+      /* From the Broadwell PRM >> RENDER_SURFACE_STATE::RenderTargetViewExtent:
+       *
+       *    For Render Target and Typed Dataport 3D Surfaces: This field
+       *    indicates the extent of the accessible 'R' coordinates minus 1 on
+       *    the LOD currently being rendered to.
+       */
+      s.RenderTargetViewExtent = isl_minify(info->surf->logical_level0_px.depth,
+                                            info->view->base_level) - 1;
+      break;
+   default:
+      unreachable("bad SurfaceType");
+   }
    s.SurfaceArray = info->surf->phys_level0_sa.array_len > 1;
+   if (info->view->usage & ISL_SURF_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET_BIT) {
+      /* For render target surfaces, the hardware interprets field
+       * MIPCount/LOD as LOD. The Broadwell PRM says:
+       *
+       *    MIPCountLOD defines the LOD that will be rendered into.
+       *    SurfaceMinLOD is ignored.
+       */
+      s.MIPCountLOD = info->view->base_level;
+      s.SurfaceMinLOD = 0;
+   } else {
+      /* For non render target surfaces, the hardware interprets field
+       * MIPCount/LOD as MIPCount.  The range of levels accessible by the
+       * sampler engine is [SurfaceMinLOD, SurfaceMinLOD + MIPCountLOD].
+       */
+      s.SurfaceMinLOD = info->view->base_level;
+      s.MIPCountLOD = MAX(info->view->levels, 1) - 1;
+   }
    s.SurfaceVerticalAlignment = valign;
    s.SurfaceHorizontalAlignment = halign;
@@ -255,20 +329,10 @@ isl_genX(surf_fill_state_s)(const struct isl_device *dev, void *state,
    s.SurfaceQPitch = get_qpitch(info->surf) >> 2;
-   s.Width = info->surf->logical_level0_px.width - 1;
-   s.Height = info->surf->logical_level0_px.height - 1;
-   s.Depth = 0; /* TEMPLATE */
-   s.RenderTargetViewExtent = 0; /* TEMPLATE */
-   s.MinimumArrayElement = 0; /* TEMPLATE */
    s.MultisampledSurfaceStorageFormat =
    s.NumberofMultisamples = ffs(info->surf->samples) - 1;
-   s.MIPCountLOD = 0; /* TEMPLATE */
-   s.SurfaceMinLOD = 0; /* TEMPLATE */
 #if (GEN_GEN >= 8 || GEN_IS_HASWELL)
    s.ShaderChannelSelectRed = info->view->channel_select[0];
    s.ShaderChannelSelectGreen = info->view->channel_select[1];
@@ -298,76 +362,6 @@ isl_genX(surf_fill_state_s)(const struct isl_device *dev, void *state,
       s.SurfacePitch = info->surf->row_pitch - 1;
-   switch (s.SurfaceType) {
-   case SURFTYPE_1D:
-   case SURFTYPE_2D:
-      s.MinimumArrayElement = info->view->base_array_layer;
-      /* From the Broadwell PRM >> RENDER_SURFACE_STATE::Depth:
-       *
-       *    For SURFTYPE_1D, 2D, and CUBE: The range of this field is reduced
-       *    by one for each increase from zero of Minimum Array Element. For
-       *    example, if Minimum Array Element is set to 1024 on a 2D surface,
-       *    the range of this field is reduced to [0,1023].
-       *
-       * In other words, 'Depth' is the number of array layers.
-       */
-      s.Depth = info->view->array_len - 1;
-      /* From the Broadwell PRM >> RENDER_SURFACE_STATE::RenderTargetViewExtent:
-       *
-       *    For Render Target and Typed Dataport 1D and 2D Surfaces:
-       *    This field must be set to the same value as the Depth field.
-       */
-      s.RenderTargetViewExtent = s.Depth;
-      break;
-      s.MinimumArrayElement = info->view->base_array_layer;
-      /* Same as SURFTYPE_2D, but divided by 6 */
-      s.Depth = info->view->array_len / 6 - 1;
-      s.RenderTargetViewExtent = s.Depth;
-      break;
-   case SURFTYPE_3D:
-      s.MinimumArrayElement = info->view->base_array_layer;
-      /* From the Broadwell PRM >> RENDER_SURFACE_STATE::Depth:
-       *
-       *    If the volume texture is MIP-mapped, this field specifies the
-       *    depth of the base MIP level.
-       */
-      s.Depth = info->surf->logical_level0_px.depth - 1;
-      /* From the Broadwell PRM >> RENDER_SURFACE_STATE::RenderTargetViewExtent:
-       *
-       *    For Render Target and Typed Dataport 3D Surfaces: This field
-       *    indicates the extent of the accessible 'R' coordinates minus 1 on
-       *    the LOD currently being rendered to.
-       */
-      s.RenderTargetViewExtent = isl_minify(info->surf->logical_level0_px.depth,
-                                            info->view->base_level) - 1;
-      break;
-   default:
-      unreachable("bad SurfaceType");
-   }
-   if (info->view->usage & ISL_SURF_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET_BIT) {
-      /* For render target surfaces, the hardware interprets field
-       * MIPCount/LOD as LOD. The Broadwell PRM says:
-       *
-       *    MIPCountLOD defines the LOD that will be rendered into.
-       *    SurfaceMinLOD is ignored.
-       */
-      s.MIPCountLOD = info->view->base_level;
-      s.SurfaceMinLOD = 0;
-   } else {
-      /* For non render target surfaces, the hardware interprets field
-       * MIPCount/LOD as MIPCount.  The range of levels accessible by the
-       * sampler engine is [SurfaceMinLOD, SurfaceMinLOD + MIPCountLOD].
-       */
-      s.SurfaceMinLOD = info->view->base_level;
-      s.MIPCountLOD = MAX(info->view->levels, 1) - 1;
-   }
 #if GEN_GEN >= 8
    /* From the CHV PRM, Volume 2d, page 321 (RENDER_SURFACE_STATE dword 0
     * bit 9 "Sampler L2 Bypass Mode Disable" Programming Notes):

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