Leveraging GPS in MC7700

Adam Sherman adam at sherman.ca
Mon Feb 6 03:48:56 UTC 2017

On 2017-02-05 10:32 PM, matthew stanger wrote:
> First check to make sure you can get GPS location and not just 3gpp
> location, i.e. location from just the cell tower. Run 'mmcli -m 0
> --location-status' and check capabilities. You'll want to see something
> like:
> /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0
>   ----------------------------
>   Location | capabilities: '3gpp-lac-ci, gps-raw, gps-nmea'
>            |      enabled: '3gpp-lac-ci, gps-raw, gps-nmea'
>            |      signals: 'no'

I seem to be fully loaded:

$ mmcli -m 8 --location-status

  Location |   capabilities: '3gpp-lac-ci, gps-raw, gps-nmea, agps'
           |        enabled: '3gpp-lac-ci, gps-raw'
           |        signals: 'yes'
  A-GPS    |    SUPL server: '栭獬瀮浮挳㜰⹭捣㌰㈮灵戮㍧灰湥瑷潲欮潲机㜲㜵'
  GPS      |  refresh rate: '30'

What is a SUPL server? And why is mine defined as "unesdoc.unesco.org"?

> If you see more than the 3gpp option then you should be able to run
> 'sudo mmcli -m 0 --location-enable-gps-raw'. This will setup the GPS but
> keep MM from grabbing the GPS stream. Now you should be able to point
> GPSd to the port the stream is on.

Which port would the stream be on?

I'm now only getting NMEA from --location-get:

$ mmcli -m 8 --location-get

  3GPP location   | Not available
  GPS NMEA traces | $GPGGA,0346***REDACTED****,,*61
  Raw GPS         | Not available
  CDMA BS         | Not available



Adam Sherman <adam at sherman.ca>

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