ublox SARA does not connect

ron ron.jacoby at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 16:18:36 UTC 2023


So its been a few months, and now when we install the product in US, trying to connect to Verizon and tmobile, I face problems again.
Modem is ublox sara r5, which works through serial port AT commands only.
The modem seems to be connected, when issuing AT+CGDCONT , but modem manager +network manager do not go ahead to create a connection
Attached logs


-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksander Morgado <aleksandermj at chromium.org> 
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2023 11:16 AM
To: ron <ron.jacoby at gmail.com>
Cc: modemmanager-devel at lists.freedesktop.org
Subject: Re: ublox SARA does not connect


On Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 11:00 AM ron <ron.jacoby at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Im running a ublox SARA modem in an embedded system on ubuntu.
> It is connecting fine on ubuntu 20.04, but remains in “registered” state when setup in ubuntu 22.04.
> It seems that NM doesn’t run pppd for some reason, or is it MM issue?
> root at ubuntu:~# mmcli -m 0
>   --------------------------------
>   General  |                 path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0
>            |            device id: d4174b3552de7d45f5b0268aec1350664f7273c6
>   --------------------------------
>   Hardware |         manufacturer: u-blox
>            |                model: SARA-R510M8S
>            |    firmware revision: 03.15
>            |            supported: gsm-umts
>            |              current: gsm-umts
>            |         equipment id: 352709570223149
>   --------------------------------
>   System   |               device: /sys/devices/platform/soc at 0/30800000.bus/30860000.serial
>            |              drivers: imx-uart
>            |               plugin: generic
>            |         primary port: ttymxc0
>            |                ports: ttymxc0 (at)
>   --------------------------------
>   Status   |       unlock retries: sim-pin (3), sim-puk (10), sim-pin2 (3), sim-puk2 (10)
>            |                state: registered
>            |          power state: on
>            |          access tech: lte
>            |       signal quality: 41% (recent)
>   --------------------------------
>   Modes    |            supported: allowed: any; preferred: none
>            |              current: allowed: any; preferred: none
>   --------------------------------
>   IP       |            supported: ipv4, ipv6, ipv4v6
>   --------------------------------
>   3GPP     |                 imei: 352709570223149
>            |        operator name: Partner ISR
>            |         registration: home-sms-only
>            | packet service state: detached

These two previous lines are a bit suspicious. The home-sms-only could indicate that you are not allowed to setup a data connection, but that would collide with your previous statement that it worked fine in 20.04.
Then, the packet service detached thing could indicate that we're not correctly handling that, but a bit unsure without looking at the logs.
Could you gather MM debug logs (see
https://modemmanager.org/docs/modemmanager/debugging/) with both Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04 and open a new issue in gitlab?

>   --------------------------------
>   SIM      |     primary sim path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/0
> NM connection file:
> id=ttymxc0
> uuid=c0a7c307-2657-4cf1-8913-b5a826594338
> type=gsm
> [gsm]
> #apn=uinternet
> auto-config=TRUE
> [ppp]
> baud=921600
> crtscts=true
> lcp-echo-failure=5
> lcp-echo-interval=30
> [ipv4]
> dns-search=
> method=auto
> [ipv6]
> addr-gen-mode=stable-privacy
> dns-search=
> method=ignore

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