Web browsing the Mobile broadband provider info database

Thomas Schäfer tschaefer at t-online.de
Sat Jan 13 18:09:30 UTC 2024

Am Donnerstag, 11. Januar 2024, 11:07:21 CET schrieb Aleksander Morgado:
> Hey Thomas!
> > > https://mobilebroadbandprovider.info
> > 

> Patches definitely welcome
> https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mobile-broadband-provider-info
> The database has a lot of outdated entries, but if you can identify some
> clear things to fix, please post merge requests with the suggestions.

Just some questions:

Do we need a element for ipv4, ipv4/ipv6, ipv6 - indicating one can expect 
ipv6 from that provider? 

At the moment it is just hidden in the comment lines.


Of course ipv4/ipv6 as default would work probably fine in most cases, but  I 
don't know.  I know it only for Germany and for roaming (SIM-home Germany) in 
some European countries. 

Also the 

Any static IPv4 DNS servers.....
...usually these are sent to the client automatically via PPP or PDP context 
negotiation and  this value is not used.

Why is it limited to  IPv4 -DNS servers? Should we collect DNS-Servers or 
should we remove them - if we know the automatically assignment is known to 

To create merge requests isn't very user friendly. May be developers have a 
different view on it. But after the xmllint check I did not expect to get 
trouble again with the online check inside gitlab.


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