[Openchrome-users] Openchrome or Mythtv bug?

Chad masterclc
Mon Apr 10 11:23:03 PDT 2006

On 4/10/06, Robin Gilks <g8ecj at gilks.org> wrote:
> > On Monday 10 April 2006 10:54, Robin Gilks wrote:
> >> I'm a bit in the dark as far as the use of Mesa (what is mesa anyway?)
> >> and
> >> DVD code is concernd but I'm willing to have a go at debugging if anyone
> >> can point me in the right direction.
> >>
> > Firstly, try using Mesa 6.4.1
> >
> How the heck do I do that?
> Like I said - I don't know what mesa is - is it a library, an executable,
> is it a binary something I plonk in somewhere like an nvidia driver? Is it
> a part of the 6.9.0 xorg (in which case what version do I have at the
> moment)
> (sorry - I'm not usually so thick but I'm on holiday and I think I've left
> my brain at work).
> --
> Robin Gilks
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