[Openchrome-users] spdif?

Eric Gilbert eric.gilbert
Wed Apr 26 14:57:19 PDT 2006

On 4/26/06, Jesse Guardiani <jesse at wingnet.net> wrote:
> Paul Bender wrote:
> > Jesse Guardiani wrote:
> >
> >> Just curious, has anyone tried to use the spdif outputs on any of these
> >> boards? Do any of them work?
> >>
> >
> > By "any of these boards", do you mean the VIA EPIA series? If so, then I
> > use SPDIF on both an ME6000 and an SP8000E.
> >
> Yeah. I'm not sure where on the board that functionality is physically
> located. I assume it's bundled in one
> of the bridge chips, which would probably make most of the epia boards
> similar in supported functionality, right?
> Ultimately I'm interested in the spdif on the 667T and EN12000 boards,
> but if it works on the other
> EPIA boards then I figure I've got good odds.

I *did* have it working on my 667T before my drive died without a
backup a few weeks ago, otherwise I could provide you with my config
settings that worked. I am using an ASUS spdif connector with the same
4 pin connector, but it looks like BWI has the official one from
commell for sale at http://vmesource.com/prod/427567/.


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