[Openchrome-users] Anyone working on mpeg4, if so, I'd be happy to play 'tester'...

Chad masterclc
Fri Aug 18 10:50:25 PDT 2006

On 8/18/06, Thomas Hellstr?m <thomas at tungstengraphics.com> wrote:
> Hi, Chad.
> It's not impossible that we can pursuade VIA to release some mpeg4 info,
> at least under NDA, but the problem is there is a lack of time among the
> developers here and also other things that might have higher priority.

Definitely understand the lack of time, and other higher priority
features for the little time that does exist.  I was just hoping that
maybe some of the time that does get spent on mpeg4 I could somehow
help out with.

> When Ivor did an initial test of VIA's mpeg4 accelerated players they
> were slower playing mpeg4 than openChrome's unaccelerated players.
> Nobody has since given us hard figures showing the benefit of
> accelerated mpeg4. AFAICT the current status is that openChrome has the
> fastest mpeg4 playback you can get on VIA cpus. (Bold statement ;)).

That's good news for OpenChrome and quite a testament to the quality
of code the developers here can produce.  But it's sad since generally
the HDTV resolutions are what I was hoping the mpeg4 accelerator would

> If you have some time over to do a test with VIA's driver it would be
> really nice getting some CPU-usage figures both for HD and SD mpeg4
> compared to openChrome's. If it turns out that accelerated mpeg4 really
> makes a difference, it might jump on the priority list.

I'd be happy to.  Will see if I can get that going sometime today or
this weekend.

> Regards,
> Thomas

Thanks for the response!


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