[Openchrome-users] CN700 problems.

Christiaan van Dijk dvbmail
Sun Dec 17 10:36:38 PST 2006

Benno Schulenberg wrote:
> Have you tried reseating the connectors of the drive cable; and 
> exchanging the cable entirely?  Have you tried a different drive?  
> Is the power supply unit okay, have you tried exchanging it?
> It might even been a faulty board, a flaky chip somewhere.  :(
>> the power consumption is close to idle (35W, 33W idle,
>> 40W full load).
> Out of curiosity: how do you measure this consumption?
> Benno
Tried different cables and 3 power supplies (60W brick+DC-DC, standard
ATX and now 140W brick+DC-DC), verified voltages with a meter and scope,
nothing strange. Also checked if all ground connections of the main
board and supply are well grounded, also no problem there. Did not try a
different drive yet.
Anyway I don't suspect the drive anymore, when using the stable
configuration (ver. 255, DRI disabled in xorg.conf) there are no more
problems. I can not blame any of the drivers for the disc errors, could
also have been a result of all the crashes :-) , for now I'm going to
look further into the effect of enabling/disabling DRI since this gives
such a clear difference (ver. 252 vs 255).

I check the power consumption with a small power meter, nothing special
but surprisingly accurate when compared with a professional high-end
power meter. Bought it some time ago at a local electronics store to see
how much my 24/7 system is costing me. Quite happy with the C3/C7
systems on this point, do use a brick+DC-DC converter, this can easily
save 10W over a normal supply which is quite dramatic on a 35W I have
now (MB+HDD+1gig+TV card).


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