[Openchrome-users] old snapshots of unichrome driver ?

Thomas Hellström thomas
Fri Feb 3 06:45:14 PST 2006

1 2 wrote:

>>>/ Hello.
>/>>/  I'm actually using your unichrome driver, and it sometimes crashes. X
>/>>/ freezes when some games try to use the DRI, and either I can shutdown my
>/>>/ computer by pressing the power button (which is managed by acpi, and then
>/>>/ all can stop cleanely), or I cannot do anything. The only way to avoid that
>/>>/ is not to load the dri module, or use the vesa driver. I read there
>/>>/ http://www.students.cs.uu.nl/people/wbeekhui/FujitsuSiemens-AmiloL7300.html
>/>>/ that maybe using an older driver could work. But where are the old
>/>>/ snapshots ??
>/>Hi, since any version of the code can now be retrieved using svn there's no 
>>need for the snapshots and I'll be removing them soon... 
> you have
> problems with X crashing or freezing then it would be preferable 
>>to work out what the problem is and resolve it.
>If the old version works, it could be a good start to debug the latest, don't you think ?
>And I never debug any driver, and especially something that crashes my computer...
>But you're all right, and it's a good way to learn. The problem is I have no much time for this..
The freezes are due to bugs in the dri driver, not the DDX driver found 
on this site.
Dri development is at dri.sourceforge.net and there is a bug filed in 
dri bugzilla for the freezes.


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