[Openchrome-users] some issues related to tv out (still colored vertical stripes, video timings)

spam@muenchen-ist-toll.de spam
Wed Mar 22 05:27:36 PST 2006

Hi all,

currently I am trying to get an EPIA SP13000 to work as a media center and as 
a file/mail/firewall/Dsl.. whatever server.

One of the first things I want to go about is the S3 UniChrome driver with its 
hw / mpeg accel.

So I installed Ubuntu (Dapper Drake) and the latest unichrome driver 
package (trunk, Rev. 175) on my box. 

The installation did fine. Building / installing the driver succeeded and the
3D / Video acceleration works perfect.
(again, many thanks to the openchrome developers / volunteers)

Now, I have the problem with colored, vertical stripes on the tv output.
This bahavior was already mentioned in the blog / mailing list some time ago,
and it was supposed to be gone. But in my case it isn't.

The stripes are only displayed if I adjust the bios setting "Video Display" to 
"CRT". When I use "CRT + TV" (bios) tv out works correct.

I want to avoid this combination (CRT + TV) because then, the timing of the 
signal for tv out and the connected CRT (flat panel display) seems to be the 
same and gives some stress to my FP display during boot.
(VRefresh: 50Hz Tv = Ok, CRT = *Doohh*, NOT Ok)

This leads me to the next question.
Is there a way to adjust separate timings at the same resolution for tv out 
and CRT?
AFAIK the Openchrome driver ignores modeline settings in xorg.conf.
Compared to a previous installed Windows XP the display for both devices were 
just fine (without stressing my FP display).

How can I archieve modes like 1024x768 for tv out without messing around with 
h/v frequencies? /var/log/xorg.log says that only modes like 800x600Over and 
less are available.

Maybe I am missing somewhat... any help is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Specs of my box / setup

EPIA SP13000 (CN400, VT1623)
Samsung 80Gb at SATA port
RealTek Pci NIC
LiteOn/JLMS DVD drive
(everything assembled in a nice Antec minuet 2 case :-)

TFT (analog input) as CRT at VGA port
Pal TV as TV at S-Video port

Ubuntu (Dapper Drake, all updates applied)
Openchrome (Trunk, Rev. 175)

Bios ->
 Display Device/Output/Layout/Norm: CRT/S-Video/S-Video/PAL

Framebuffer ->
 vesafb, vga=791
xorg.conf -> 
 Option "ActualDevice" "CRT"
 Option "TVNorm" "PAL"
 Option "TVOutput" "S-Video"
 Depth 24
 Mode "720x576Over"

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