[Openchrome-users] some issues related to tv out (still colored vertical stripes, video timings)

Thorsten spam
Wed Mar 22 16:33:36 PST 2006

Thomas Hellstr?m schrieb:
> spam at muenchen-ist-toll.de wrote:
>> Now, I have the problem with colored, vertical stripes on the tv output.
>> This bahavior was already mentioned in the blog / mailing list some 
>> time ago,
>> and it was supposed to be gone. But in my case it isn't.
>> The stripes are only displayed if I adjust the bios setting "Video 
>> Display" to "CRT". When I use "CRT + TV" (bios) tv out works correct.
> Hmm, I know I've explicitly tried that on my EPIA SP13000 and it 
> worked. Could you post your Xorg.0.log. (gzipped!)
See attachment, please.

>> Compared to a previous installed Windows XP the display for both 
>> devices were just fine (without stressing my FP display).
>> How can I archieve modes like 1024x768 for tv out without messing 
>> around with h/v frequencies? /var/log/xorg.log says that only modes 
>> like 800x600Over and less are available.
> Have you checked virtual size and such? The available TV-out modes are 
> listed in the man-page. Also the tv-out documentation in the wiki may 
> be helpful.
Yes. These are my settings from xorg.conf (short summary):
Section "Device"
    Identifier    "S3 UniChrome (CN400) TV"
    Driver        "via"
    BusID        "PCI:1:0:0"
    Option         "ActiveDevice"         "TV"
    Option        "TVType"        "PAL"
    Option        "TVOutput"        "S-Video"
    Option        "EnableAGPDMA"        "1"
Section "Monitor"
    Identifier    "TV PAL"
    VendorName    "Thomson"
    ModelName    "28DN420E"
        Option          "nodpms"
        Option          "noddc"
Section "Screen"
    Identifier    "Screen1"
    Device        "S3 UniChrome (CN400) TV"
    Monitor        "TV PAL"
    DefaultDepth    24
    SubSection "Display"
        Depth        24
        Modes        "720x576Over"

By inspecting the xorg.0.log those modes -> 720x576Over, 800x600Over, 
720x576Noscale, 640x480 are available (like I said already).
Not "1024x768Over" :-( But according to "$ man via" it should be.

Another observation when I try to use "1024x768Over":
(II) VIA(0): TV standard is PAL. This is a NTSC mode.
(II) VIA(0): Mode "1024x768Over" not supported by TV encoder.
(II) VIA(0): Not using default mode "1024x768Over" (unknown reason)
(II) VIA(0): Not using default mode "1024x768Over" (hsync out of range)
(II) VIA(0): TV standard is PAL. This is a NTSC mode.

Then I've made a test. I switched everything over to NTSC in order to 
see if "1024x768Over" is available.
Surprise. It's not

(II) VIA(0): TV standard is NTSC. This is a PAL mode.
(II) VIA(0): Mode "1024x768Over" not supported by TV encoder.
(II) VIA(0): Not using default mode "1024x768Over" (unknown reason)
(II) VIA(0): Not using default mode "1024x768Over" (hsync out of range)
(II) VIA(0): TV standard is NTSC. This is a PAL mode.

Option "TVNorm" "PAL" --> xorg.0.log says it's a NTSC mode
Option "TVNorm" "NTSC" --> xorg.0.log says it's a PAL mode

hmmm?? Is there a bug in retrieving the correct video mode or am I just 

BTW: I forgot to mention my bios version. It's v1.07

-------------- n?chster Teil --------------
Ein Dateianhang mit Bin?rdaten wurde abgetrennt...
Dateiname   : Xorg.0.log.gz
Dateityp    : application/x-gzip
Dateigr??e  : 6601 bytes
Beschreibung: nicht verf?gbar
URL         : http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-users/attachments/20060323/dfd131c4/Xorg.0.log-0001.bin

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