[Openchrome-users] OpenGL -- works?

Dan Sandberg dan.sandberg.lists
Thu May 25 10:47:56 PDT 2006


I was missing the libgl1-mesa-dri which caused OpenGL to use software
rather than hardware acceleration.  When I installed this, it didn't fix
the problem because I had upgraded my X driver and the new X driver (
Openchrome ) was  incompatible ( ddx 5.0 vs. ddx 4.0 ) with something

But once I downgraded back to the stock VIA driver, voila, glxgears
-printfps worked fine ( ~ 500 frames/sec ).

ddx, ddi, drm, mesa, glx, opengl, ... what a freakin mess :)

Thank you Martin and Ivor for the help.


Here's a new question.  How come Tutorial #3 ( Texture Mapping ) works
fine on my laptop but just shows up as a white rotating cube ( no
texture ) on the MII10000?  If this is because I'm not using OpenChrome
I will probably switch to it, as I need texture support.




Ivor Hewitt wrote:

> Dan Sandberg wrote:
>> I've been experiencing serious slowness problems with OpenGL on my
>> MII10000 ( CLE266 ).
>> I started with the stock via driver in Ubuntu 5.10, but have now tried
>> the unichrome drivers as well.
>> When I run 'glxgears -printfps' on the machine, I get 75 frames/sec.
>> The gears start out spinning fast but then almost completely stop.  On
>> my laptop ( Thinkpad T30, 1.8Ghz ) I get 1000 frames/sec.
>> Is this how it should be for the latest unichrome driver, or am I doing
>> something wrong?  Are the closed source drivers any better
>> performance-wise?  I couldn't manage to test them out unfortunately.
> Sounds like you're using software GL.
> You need to either build the mesa drivers, or an update to dapper
> would probably get working drivers too.

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