[Openchrome-users] SP 13000 able to output HD or not?

kslater userforum
Fri Nov 24 09:38:17 PST 2006

Re: Re: SP 13000 able to output HD or not?
> Hi Kevin,
> I'm using a SP8000 (nearly same as yours, just 800 MHz and without fan) but so far I couldn't manage to replay any HD-content, because of mplayer won't use XvMC. I've installed the DVI-daughterboard, but couldn't use it because of a missing jack. On the board itself are just some pins you can't directly use to connect any DVI-jack. Do you know where to get a proper DVI-cable to connect to the DVI-02?
> Yves

I think that www.mini-box.com sells the cable to bring the DVI connection out to the back of your SP8000. It's a header connector on one end and a DVI connector on the other.



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