[Openchrome-users] VN800 - there was no card-id

Rikz userforum
Tue Nov 28 12:49:46 PST 2006

Re: VN800 - there was no card-id
> Does Xv works properly on your laptop's panel ? And if not, does Thomas' 
> patch attached to this mail fix the pb ?
> http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-users/2006-November/002323.html

I took mplayer patch from here: [http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwiki/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=2278&topics_threshold=0&topics_offset=35&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&topics_find=&forumId=1]
After fixing mplayer-1.0rc1 ebuild I compiled mplayer with xv and xvmc support as it is written somewhere in your project documentation.

I've added two lines to my ~/.mplayer/config:


The I ran mplayer from konsole:

mplayer dvd://4 -dvd-device foo/

Here are lines from mplayer output about xvmc:

VIDEO:  MPEG2  720x576  (aspect 3)  25.000 fps  9800.0 kbps (1225.0 kbyte/s)
vo_xvmc: X-Video extension 2.2
vo_xvmc: X-Video MotionCompensation Extension version 1.1
[VD_FFMPEG] XVMC-VLD-accelerated MPEG-2.
VO: [xvmc] 720x576 => 1024x576 MPEG1/2 Motion Compensation and VLD
vo_xvmc: Port 68 grabed
vo_xvmc: Found matching surface with id=32315659 on 68 port at 0 adapter
vo_xvmc: Allocated Direct Context
vo_xvmc: Motion Compensation context allocated - 8 surfaces
vo_xvmc: idct=0 unsigned_intra=0
vo_xvmc: looking for OSD support
    Subpicture id 0x34344149
vo_xvmc: OSD support by backend rendering (fast, but untested with mplayer.)
vo_xvmc: Pleace send feedback to confirm that OSD works.
Otherwise, please send a bugreport!

Everything seems to work fine, picture is perfect, OSD works too.

mplayer -vo xv is ok for me, I can play avi files with this option on my laptop panel with no additional patches.


Reply Link: <http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwikitiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=1&comments_reply_threadId=2523&comments_parentId=2506&post_reply=1#form>

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