[Openchrome-users] Amilo Pro V2030

Benno Schulenberg bensberg
Mon Oct 30 13:53:53 PST 2006

Andrzej Popielewicz wrote:
> I have addressed in my note only the cases , including myself,
> where there were problems with getting X-windows with via driver
> to run on Unichrome cards.I am happy , that now it is much much
> faster than with vesa driver.

For the 3D stuff yes, it goes from useless to usable.  But for the 
normal 2D desktop stuff I don't see much of speed increase.

> I do not remember to play any "serious" 3d game  at all. I prefer
> xtetris and xboard.

To really test textures, run any of tuxracer (ppracer it's called 
nowadays, I think), slune, quake3-demo, bzflag.  Tuxracer used to 
lock up very quickly, slune would segfault here and there, quake 
never made any problem, if I remember correctly, and bzflag locked 
up after five minutes to an hour.

> P.S from the description of the bug one can conclude, that the
> problem will be soon solved, or is relatively easy to solve.

You are an optimist.  :)


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