[Openchrome-users] Success on CN700

mark userforum
Fri Sep 1 06:51:27 PDT 2006

Re: Success on CN700
> I got a VIA EPIA  EN12000EG, which has the CN700 Chipset. I just wanted to say thank you all because today I finally got the VIA driver working in gentoo. The refresh rates are greatly increased. Now on to OpenGL and TV-Out...

how dit you do it? 
I'm having a lot of problems with compiling this driver on gentoo... With the latest svn version, I get errors     like 'screen_x undeclared'. Can you tell me what version of gcc you used? What is your configuration and what are the software versions? Do you recognize my problem? What other problems have you experienced?

You could help me a lot by answering my questions.

Thanks in advance!


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