[Openchrome-users] CX700 / EX10000

David Shay david
Tue Apr 17 16:14:53 PDT 2007

On 4/17/07, Xavier Bachelot <xavier at bachelot.org> wrote:
> David Shay wrote:
> > Bump for any help on original problem.  Also, Just a quick survey --
> > does anyone out there have a CX700 and is currently getting accelerated
> > HD for mpeg2?
> It's unlikely anyone has CX700 doing mpeg2 hardware acceleration,
> because we now know it uses a new engine, which is currently not
> supported.

 OK. When did the group find that out?  Someone over on the forums at
viaarena.com called "zoo" claims that he is using the openchrome drivers and
getting hardware acceleration.  It makes me feel a little better that this
isn't my own incompetence, but rather that it doesn't work just yet.   I
really want to help out if at all possible.  I do have C coding skills, but
not in the video arena.  Do you know if there's a good place to start to
learn any of the background involved in any of this video work, any good
reference docs to read?

Thanks again for your support and let me know if I can do anything else
beyond providing the logs that I already have.
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