[Openchrome-users] CX700 / EX10000

Claas Langbehn claas
Tue Apr 17 22:55:40 PDT 2007

David Shay schrieb:
> On 4/17/07, *Xavier Bachelot* <xavier at bachelot.org 
> <mailto:xavier at bachelot.org>> wrote:
>     David Shay wrote:
>     > Bump for any help on original problem.  Also, Just a quick survey --
>     > does anyone out there have a CX700 and is currently getting
>     accelerated
>     > HD for mpeg2?
>     It's unlikely anyone has CX700 doing mpeg2 hardware acceleration,
>     because we now know it uses a new engine, which is currently not
>     supported.
> OK. When did the group find that out?  Someone over on the forums at 
> viaarena.com <http://viaarena.com/> called "zoo" claims that he is 
> using the openchrome drivers and getting hardware acceleration.
He said: "Mplayer uses xv and hardware zooming works, too."
This is what I saw, too. Zooming does not have any impact on the CPU load.
I don't know if and how hardware accelleration and hardware zoom are 

> It makes me feel a little better that this isn't my own incompetence, 
> but rather that it doesn't work just yet.
I'm not sure.  
If the playing movies with "720x480 at 22% and 1280x720 at 30-50%" is 
not using hw acceleration on CX700 yet,
then I am really keen on seing that to come.


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