[Openchrome-users] Support for S3 Graphics DeltaChrome, GammaChrome and ChromeS20 generation
Stefan Bassing
Tue Mar 20 16:21:31 PDT 2007
> Feel free to hand me some rom dumps: look in
> http://unichrome.cvs.sourceforge.net/unichrome/utils/, there's a rather
> simplistic dumper there.
> I knew from BIOS images that k8m890 was highly compatible (basic init
> and modesetting only of course), days before VIA finally released code.
> I doubt that this will be repeatable with the discrete cards. My gut
> feeling is that even basic init and modesetting will be different.
> So do get me the images, i'll have a quick look to see whether this is a
> full image. If not, i will, at some point, provide you with a pci
> aperture based rom dumper, as i've been thinking about doing this for a
> longer while.
> I will not suddenly pool a massive amount of time in this. Even though
> i'm, by now, very experienced disassembling VIAs roms, this always takes
> a lot of time. There will hopefully be a direct relation between the
> roms for all these cards.
> So i will not go and do this right now, but if i don't get those roms,
> there is absolutely no chance that anyone will go and verify these
> things. Well, in a meaningful manner that is.
> Luc Verhaegen.
> http://unichrome.sf.net/
Thanks for your reply! I've just done the two dump and rather than
attaching them to this email, I've uploaded them to my webspace:
As far as I can see this, they seem to be complete. I hope they will
help and that it could work somehow
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