[Openchrome-users] HP 2133 1.6 2GB/120 WLAN BT 3-CELL 8.9#VHB

Jon Nettleton jon.nettleton
Fri Dec 26 03:52:11 PST 2008

On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 10:16 PM, Jon Nettleton <jon.nettleton at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 9:35 PM, Miguel Alvarez Blanco y Aurora
> Costales Castro <miguelyoyi at telecable.es> wrote:
>> Hi, Jon.
>> Unfortunately, it does not solve the problem. Now it accepts a 1024x600
>> mode, so there is no panning, both the Virtual and xvidtune sizes are
>> 1024x600, but the viewable area is about 772x466 pixels (a bit different
>> from when the 1024x572 mode was selected, but quite similar). Again, the
>> gnome changer calls this mode 1024x600. Note that, with the previous svn, it
>> already was called 1024x600 and the Virtual size was set to 1024x600
>> although no mode appeared to be accepted with that size. Now the 1366x768
>> mode seems to be probed, but rejected:
> That is all looking good.  I just grabbed the Mode that VIA was using
> in their driver, and it is being rejected because it is outside the
> default monitor HorizSync properties we are setting.  Let me figure
> out which one is correct and make changes accordingly.  We are almost
> there.  I will e-mail you when I have that worked out, will do it
> right after dinner, maybe another hour or so.

Okay I am going to figure out how I want to do this a bit more.  The
default monitor config that is kicked out by X is always out of range
for any 1366x768 mode I can generate.  Oh always one little thing or
another.  I should have mentioned this before but for now to get
things working add the following lines to your Monitor Device section

HorizSync 30-70
VertRefresh 55-90

That should get you up and running until I figure out how I want to
handle this in our driver.


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