[Openchrome-users] FC8

Tony Grant tony
Sun Jan 6 12:53:30 PST 2008

Happy New Year!!!

To celebrate 2008 (and the soon to be end of life of FC6) I just did a
clean install of Fedora Core 8.

	- what the hell is the "via" driver supplied on the DVD? Sucks.

	- installed the openchrome driver from Fedora Extras and got back stuff
like 1440x900 resolution on the CLE266. Goodness.

glxgears seems to indicate that I need to install another version od
DRM/DRI? Runs much too slow

I found a page  that gave me a list of stuff to install and which I am
sure that I will need to compile xine (1.2 for VDR). I can not find the
page again!!! Google is not my friend...

Help Xavier



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