[Openchrome-users] FC8

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Sun Jan 6 13:30:04 PST 2008

Tony Grant wrote:
> Happy New Year!!!
> To celebrate 2008 (and the soon to be end of life of FC6) 

No, it's already EOL'ed as of December, 7th.

> I just did a
> clean install of Fedora Core 8.
> 	- what the hell is the "via" driver supplied on the DVD? Sucks.
This is what is currently in xorg.freedesktop.org tree. Let's call it 
abandonware. openchrome will be the default in Fedora 9.

> 	- installed the openchrome driver from Fedora Extras and got back stuff
> like 1440x900 resolution on the CLE266. Goodness.
> glxgears seems to indicate that I need to install another version od
> DRM/DRI? Runs much too slow
glxgears is not a benchmark. Do you have any evidence that something is 
not running as smooth as it should ?

> I found a page  that gave me a list of stuff to install and which I am
> sure that I will need to compile xine (1.2 for VDR). I can not find the
> page again!!! Google is not my friend...
Most of VDR stuff is/will be incorporated into xinelib, if I believe 
what I read on xine-devel mailing list. Meanwhile, you might want to 
take a look at the livna/rpmfusion xine stuff, VDR options might just be 
a compilation flag away, or even already in.

> Help Xavier
> Cheers
> Tony


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