[Openchrome-users] Resolution

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Mon Jan 21 13:43:35 PST 2008

> oki here you go..
> Xorg.0.log:

... snip incomplete xorg log ...

> ..
> enough?
No. I asked for the full log, not for an extract. And also I asked to 
have it compressed (and then obviously attached), not pasted into the 
mail. Please resend the compressed full xorg log, after having done the 
modifications to the xorg.conf below.

> Xorg.conf is attached..thanks
 From your xorg.conf :

Section "Device"
         Option     "VBEModes" "true"
         Option     "SWCursor" "on"
         Option     "ActiveDevice" "LCD"
         Option     "ForcePanel" "On"
         Option     "EnableAGPDMA" "on"
         Identifier  "Card0"
         Driver      "openchrome"
         VendorName  "Unknown Vendor"
         BoardName   "Unknown Board"
         BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"

Remove "VBEModes", this is already implied by "ActiveDevice" "LCD" for a 
Remove "SWCursor" unless you see cursor corruption without it.
Remove "ForcePanel", this is already implied by "ActiveDevice" "LCD"
Remove "EnableAGPDMA", the default for P4M900 is off, forcing it to on 
is probably not safe currently.
Remove BusID, this is unneeded unless you have multiple graphic cards.

Please have a look at the man page for some explanations on the options.

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