[Openchrome-users] Resolution

Crash userforum
Mon Jan 21 22:13:33 PST 2008

Re: Resolution

> Remove "VBEModes", this is already implied by "ActiveDevice" "LCD" for a 
> P4M900.
> Remove "SWCursor" unless you see cursor corruption without it.
> Remove "ForcePanel", this is already implied by "ActiveDevice" "LCD"
> Remove "EnableAGPDMA", the default for P4M900 is off, forcing it to on 
> is probably not safe currently.
> Remove BusID, this is unneeded unless you have multiple graphic cards.
> Please have a look at the man page for some explanations on the options.

ok done ..but I need SWCurser on coz otherwise I dont see the cursor
see attachment for the log


Reply Link: <http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwiki/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=1&comments_reply_threadId=4616&comments_parentId=3709&post_reply=1#form>
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