[Openchrome-users] Large plasma display corruption: SOLVED

Forest Bond forest
Wed Jan 23 18:40:27 PST 2008


Well, I finally tracked down the issue that was causing display corruption with
a large plasma.

To make a long story short:

1. X.org was querying the display for its physical size in mm.
2. The display has a very strange resolution (1024x720), and has wide,
   rectangular pixels.
3. The reported physical size was not equal to the native dot pitch times the
   native pixel resolution.  This would likely cause X.org to use strange DPI
4. All of these whacky numbers were confusing Mozilla's rendering engine, which
   was generating garbage in its output.

The fix is to either:

* Specify DisplaySize in xorg.conf (although not all X.org versions honor this
* Specify -dpi on the X.org command line.

I'm now using -dpi 100 and things are working nicely.

Nice to get it fixed, although it was frustrating to bark up the wrong tree for
so long.

This might be some sort of bug in the Mozilla rendering engine.  No other X apps
had display issues (although I didn't realize this until after I figured out
what was going on).

Thanks to all that helped!

Forest Bond
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