[Openchrome-users] garbled display

Konstantin Svist fry.kun
Tue Aug 9 12:45:49 PDT 2011

On 08/09/2011 01:15 AM, Xavier Bachelot wrote:
> On 08/09/2011 02:04 AM, Konstantin Svist wrote:
>> I have a box with a via chip (cx700). LVDS panel is at 800x480.
>> Booting into Fedora results in a garbled display (Fedora 15 xrandr
>> reports the resolution is set at 1024x768, I can't seem to be able to
>> set it to anything else)
>> The distortion is similar to this one:
>> http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/495/20100423.jpg (though there is no
>> cursor visible)
>> lspci -v is here:
>> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.drivers.unichrome.devel/922
>> There is no xorg.conf (Fedora stopped using it by default)
> I'd try to both use ForcePanel and PanelSize options.
> You need to create an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file with only a device section :
> Section "Device"
>           Identifier  "Card0"
>           Driver      "openchrome"
>           Option      "ForcePanel"
>           Option      "PanelSize" "800x480"
> EndSection
> I'm not sure such a partial xorg conf will work, but in case it's not
> just follow the doc in the link below to create a conf file and add the
> 2 Option lines.
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_xorg.conf
> Also please provide your xorg log (and please compress it so it'll not
> hit the mailing list size limit).

Wow, that's the closest I've seen it to working! Not quite there yet, 
though -- see http://i.imgur.com/Z5kVg.jpg

Xorg.0.log is attached (don't mind screen1 and screen2; screen0 is the 
only one attached)

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