[Openicc] Have a look to MacOSX and Colorsync

Jan-Peter Homann homann at colormanagement.de
Thu Dec 11 05:31:54 EST 2003

Hi List

The following links are mainly for devolopers about the MacOS X Imaging 
model and ColorSync.

:-) Jan-Peter

Informations for developers about quartz, the PDF based graphics model 
from MacOSX

Introduction to colorsync and MacOSX

An old introduction (1999) for developers about colorsync under MacOSX

-                     Neue Adresse                    -

colormanagement.de ---------- fon/fax +49 30 611 075 18
Jan-Peter Homann ------------- mobile +49 171 54 70 358
Kastanienallee 71 ------- http://www.colormanagement.de
10435 Berlin --------- mailto:homann at colormanagement.de

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