[Openicc] google SoC starts

Lars Borg borg at adobe.com
Sat Feb 17 18:30:28 PST 2007

At 5:06 AM +0300 2/18/07, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
>From what I remember by doing an interview with Scribus guys, they are
>planning to abstract color management and make it possible to use
>various CMM on various OSes. I fail to see why someone good at Adobe's
>CMM would want to reject using it from Scribus ;-)

Yes, ideally, all possible CMMs should be selectable in any 
application. That's not the case today.
And it doesn't make a case for creating more CMMs.

>I certainly would welcome Adobe's CMM on Linux at least because that
>would make Adobe Reader be color managed. Especially if it supported
>OpenIcc initiative ;-)

Well, technically that wouldn't require a separate CMM.
Adobe Reader on Linux already includes color management for document 
to RGB  conversions.
Sadly, it doesn't know from where to get the monitor profile.
Is there still no single standard for how to get it on Linux?

For Windows and Mac there is a strong case for why a user would want 
access to the Adobe CMM outside Adobe applications. They want the 
same color conversion results in all their tools, and Adobe's is 
pretty good and cross-platform. (Well, Win and Mac, that is.)

My impression is that for Linux there isn't such a case. Show me I'm wrong. :-)

Lars Borg
Principal Scientist
Adobe Systems

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