[Openicc] ICC colour managed printing

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Mon Aug 4 02:04:24 PDT 2008


during the work on the KDE kolor-manager panel we have found some 
problems. We discussed requirements for late colour binding.

I have collected them including some open questions here:

For your convenience here comes a copy:

The proclaimed
  wget http://localhost:631/profiles/sRGB.icc
is not working in CUPS(v1.2), as pointed out by Hal V. Engel.

A path to send a user selected local device profile to a remote print host 
is unclear to me. Which API would be used for that?

The limitation of one CUPS profile directory, e.g. 
"/usr/share/cups/profiles", is too restsictive, even with linking to other 
directories. The cupsICCProfile attribute should therefore allow for 
absolute locations, not just relative to a CUPS profile directory. 
The CUPS_DATADIR seems not a appropriate mechanism.

A print job should reflect the users local settings in regards of 
rendering intent selection, editing space and so on. 
How are profiles, rendering intents and other settings passed from a 
printing application to backends, e.g. the *toraster family? 
Do the RPI's need to parse the PPD in order to read the cupsICCProfile PPD 
attribute? How copy localy stored profiles to remote printing hosts?

Desireable APIs for Oyranos:

* obtain a profile by giving Oyranos a static PPD (one without all 
  open choices stripped).
* obtain a list of profile/static_PPD combinations for a specific 
  print queue.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

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