[Openicc] Open Source CMS options

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Sun Nov 23 16:51:32 PST 2008

Scott Geffert wrote:
> 	We are working on an open source DAM project and are looking for open  
> source color management components for rendering image previews and  
> image conversions. Currently we have used image majic along with  
> Little CMS, but the solution os not very elegant. The solution would  
> ideally run on all platforms, but we are exploring the mac platform as  
> well if we can benefit from built in colorsync and core image routines.

It's not clear exactly what you are after. lcms provides profile loading,
linking and pixel conversion in one package with a liberal license.
I don't think it caches the links though, which a fully blown CMM

ArgyllCMS also provides the building blocks to load profiles,
link them and do pixel conversion with highly optimised,
flexible and portable code, but is less integrated than
lcms, and is available under the less liberal GPL3 (although
I have dual licensed the pixel engine for proprietary use).
The cctiff program is example code of how the pieces
tie together.

[I am considering writing a CMM module to tie the Argyll
  blocks together and add memory and disk based link caching,
  but this is just a concept at the moment.]

Graeme Gill.

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