[Openicc] Devicelink profiles and accompanying metadata

Ann L McCarthy almccart at lexmark.com
Mon Apr 5 14:50:50 PDT 2010

Hi Alastair, 

Yes - as you get into using the metadataTag different uses come to mind.
The original intent was to record information about the profile that would 
be valuable in selecting among several similar profiles.
For example - several different devicelink profiles all with the final 
profile for the same output device -- what makes them different, when to 
pick which one.
On the other hand as you point out, a profile builder might also use a 
metadataTag to record 'I did it this way' kinds of information - as a 
record keeping mechanism.

In general, the repository can contain metadata defined for either purpose 
-- as long as it is defined in a way that provides some usefulness to 
At minimum - a metadata item can be entered in the repository to ensure 
that the name remains case-insensitive unique.

Best regards,
Ann McCarthy
Imaging Systems R&D
Lexmark Imaging Solutions Division
Lexmark International, Inc.

"Alastair M. Robinson" <blackfive at fakenhamweb.co.uk> 
04/05/2010 01:49 PM

Ann L McCarthy <almccart at lexmark.com>
openicc at lists.freedesktop.org
Re: [Openicc] Devicelink profiles and accompanying metadata

Hi :)

Ann L McCarthy wrote:

> The ICC has now fully approved an ICC profile metadataTag and
> dictionaryType which might be
> useful in this case.   Then each devicelink can contain its own record
> of what it is made from etc.
> Here is link to the spec for the new tag and type on the ICC website.

Many thanks for that - I've just had a quick look and shall read it in
more detail later.

> Metadata to record the make contents of devicelink profiles can
> certainly be useful to define and share.

Definitely - though I see a distinction in scope between metadata fields
which have broad applicability (for example, source and destination
profiles for a devicelink) and fields which are of little use to
anything but the defining application (i.e. black generation parameters
- just knowing what they are tells you nothing unless you also know how
the application will interpret them...)  For the latter type, where you
just want to associate some data with the profile but don't expect other
software to be able to make use of it, would you just register a key
with for example "CMYKToolSpecific", "Meaning of Value=Custom" and, say,
"Values=up to 30 characters" or something like that?

All the best
Alastair M. Robinson

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