[Openicc] Helping with colord

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Mon Mar 7 05:00:02 PST 2011

Andrzej Nowicki wrote:
> We initially wanted to build on oyranos also. We spent much time
> studying oyranos in the last weeks but came to the conclusions:
> 1.    Oyranos had a poor chance of being picked up by distributions

Are there specific reasons you came to that conclusion ?

[ I have my own reservations about Oyranos, but it might be
   constructive to know what others perceive to be its current
   shortcomings, so that there is a chance that they might be
   addressed. ]

> 2.    Oyranos had no dbus interfaces (we use dbus many times in our
> research projects)

Perhaps a dbus interface could be added to Oyranos ?

[ It would probably be a mistake to base a core CMM on dbus though, since
   that would limit the range of platforms it can run on, while not addressing
   any of the the inter-system color management issues posed by printing
   and (remote) displays. ]

> 3.    Oyranos had no python interface code

Perhaps someone could write python interface code ?

> We appreciated developing on a new project such as colord is a large
> amount of risk, but we felt it had the better architecture and had a
> chance of being included in distributions in the future.

I would hope that any software that has merit would have a chance of
being included in distributions, although a software ecosystem that
depends on distribution "king makers" is a poor one in my view.

Graeme Gill.

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