[Openicc] Helping with ... Architects and project leads

Alastair M. Robinson blackfive at fakenhamweb.co.uk
Wed Mar 9 11:24:56 PST 2011

Hi :)

On 09/03/11 17:40, Jan-Peter Homann wrote:

> E.g. from my point of view, it would make e.g. sense for imaging
> applications to use image based print spool format with embedded
> document colorspace and CUPS raster-filter based on littleCMS with
> support for cupsICCprofile.

Well I can see benefits to that - mostly performance.  If I print an 
image that has an effective resolution of, say 163dpi, it makes little 
sense to wrap it in a PDF, have the PDF ripped at the printer's 
resolution and then have the driver process a much larger raster.  (A 
similar issue with rendering full pages of mixed-resolution images is 
why PhotoPrint tends to be a bit slow.)

> This would solve the issue, that current PDF print spool API for LINUX
> are far way from supportin ICC-profiles in PDF.

Actually I think that's closer than you think.  GhostScript 9 is, at the 
last estimate, a month or so from supporting OutputIntent.
There's already a pdftoraster that supports cupsICCProfile, within the 
limitations of Poppler.

Anyhow, the point is, that part of the chain's nearly working, and well 
enough defined that we can target it.  We just lack a robust way to 
bypass it.

All the best
Alastair M. Robinson

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