[Openicc] Gutenprint team requests CM-off for a print queue be provided as a maintained engineering facility.

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Thu May 10 05:49:50 PDT 2012

On 10 May 2012 13:34, Graeme Gill <graeme at argyllcms.com> wrote:
> Without the ability to print targets though, the whole print
> chain is worthless since there's no way of color profiling it.

I agree, but that doesn't mean that we should let users profile
targets by printing in GIMP, eye-of-gnome and Picasa. Instead it makes
perfect sense to have either a power-user application that's designed
for doing this kind of thing, or even a command line utility that can
print a target on the local system without doing any CM. Putting the
opt-out checkbox in all GUI applications is the wrong thing to do in
my opinion.


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