[packagekit] 0.1.10 feedback

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 06:36:46 PDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-03-31 at 15:19 +0200, Patryk Zawadzki wrote:
> I really like the direction that PK is heading but there are some
> glitches in 0.1.10 so I decided to sum them up here.

Excellent, thanks. I like mails like this.

> 1. When updating the system and one of the packages fail, I get an
> error window for a brief moment (around 0.1 seconds) then it
> disappears and an "update complete" popup appears.

Hmm. Could you attach the output of pkmon when this happens please?

> 2. During the update the progress window seems to be stuck at ~100x100
> px and all text is ellipsized. There is no way to resize that window.

Is it better with git? The window is now resizable iirc.

> 3. In the above window there is a button that says close. I find a bit
> ambiguous. It should either say "perform in background" or "cancel"
> depending on what it really does (couldn't check as my system is up to
> date now).

Yes, valid point. What about leaving the button as close, but making the
tooltip "Close this window and continue in the background"?

> 4. It could be nice to remember failed upgrades and mark them as such
> in the update window (don't try to upgrade again until the
> dependencies are satisfied - not sure if this can be done in a sane
> manner for all the backends). I know the "repos should not be broken"
> mantra but it does not work in real life.

No, I don't think this is a good idea - if the security update failed to
be installed, then it should remain in the tray and the update viewer

> 5. There seems to be an error in pl_PL locale where "updates" means
> "plural for update" in one place but "replaces" in another. It's
> visible in the update details where it lets you compare installed vs
> available version.

Ahh, translation errors should go through the GNOME translation team. If
there needs to be more translation comments (to add context for
instance), feel free to use git, and I'll sync up to svn for the



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