[packagekit] Packagekit information

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 02:21:20 PDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-10-06 at 10:27 +0200, Tim Lauridsen wrote:
>   i agree, because the gpk tools target novice users

Not novice users, users that just don't care how things work.

> there is no reason 
> to the API couldn't be extended to deliver more detailed progress 
> information. but for that we need an extra signal
> Something like this:
> ProgressDetail(num,size,eta)

Maybe. Maybe we could just expand the Progress signal.

> num	: current;total
> 	current : the number of the file being downloaded
> 	total : the total number of files to be downloaded
> size 	: current;total;all
> 	current : the number of KB downloaded of the current file
> 	total : the number of KB to be downloaded for the current file
> 	all : the total number of KB to be downloaded
> ETA	speed;current;all
> 	speed	: the current dnl speed ( KiB/s)
> 	current : the ETA for the current download (H:M:S)
> 	all	: the ETA for the full download (H:M:S)

Try to avoid using ; delimited fields. The only reason to use them is
where encoding is simpler than decoding a complex dbus signature. If
you're just wrapping a few ints, there's no need.

> By the way, no power user use PK ;) ;) ;)
> http://www.packagekit.org/pk-profiles.html

Well, I don't know a power user well enough to add a profile -- all
those people on that page are real people -- I don't want to add purely
theoretical person.


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