[packagekit] make distclean does not undo all changes

Matthias Klumpp matthias at nlinux.org
Sat Aug 28 04:32:03 PDT 2010


> I'm going home now so I didn't look at it, also it's on my TODO
> change autotools to cmake, not sure Richard will approve (tough we
> discuss this). The main problem is that I can't maintain autotools, the
> file imo is a big mess, to have an idea of the problem there has been
> than a year that packagekit-qt links against libapt-pkg which shouldn't
> happen. Also packagekit-qt needs it's own so number so that when
> I break ABI packagekit-glib doesn't need to change.
> If you can give me a hand would be appreciated :D
Funny, at time I am migrating the Listaller Project from an own
Automake-like build system to CMake because of exactly the same problems.
(And the fact that I now have to manage some Autopackage stuff to which is
developed in Vala)
CMake is a great system, the only thing I don't like is the way of
defining configure options (--enable-qt looks much better than -DUSE_QT=ON
If Richard decides to change the build system, I would help with the
migration, but I am no Automake expert too.
I was always able to realise everything I needed in CMake, but Automake is
far the most powerful and configurable build system and I heard from some
projects they do not use CMake because it does not offer all functionality
the Autotools do. (I don't know if this is true, KDE uses CMake with
Anyway:  I found a workaround for the DEB-package patch problem, so it is
less annoying now.

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