[Piglit] [PATCH 1/1] Clean up shader_runner test scripts.

Eric Anholt eric at anholt.net
Tue Dec 4 11:10:22 PST 2012

Stuart Abercrombie <sabercrombie at chromium.org> writes:

>>> These all sound like separate changes to me.
> What would you like to split out?
> I hit the incorrect shell problem because i needed to run
> variable-index-write.sh.  I needed to run variable-index-write.sh
> because it was outputting the wrong GLSL version and had to be fixed.
> I can't see a reason to fix variable-index-write.sh's version
> outputting but leave it in a state where it won't run on my machine.
> Is there some reason why you want all the other shell scripts to be
> temporarily left in a broken state?
> I hit the windows formatting problem because the script I used to
> parse the .shader_test files didn't like the CRs.  There is obviously
> no functional change.
> The rest is just making .shader_test files conform more closely with
> what we discussed would be a useful step towards making GLES work:
> GLSL >= always present in [require] with no explicit #version.  Given
> the irregularity of what was in the .shader_test files, what was
> required to reach this varied, but not in any complicated way.

Separate changes get separate commits.  You even explain the story here
like separate changes:

1) I neeeded to change the shell command to get it to even run.

2) I was then able to modify the script to fix the version stuff like I
originally wanted to.

3) After I did so, I found that one of my scripts couldn't parse one of
the files.

> So far I haven't had a very productive experience submitting small
> changes (see my last patch).

I couldn't understand why that last patch (unsigned->int) mattered.  Did
it fix a compile warning or something?
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